Pin Oven Retrofits:
HeatTek offers the following rebuilds and retrofits for pin ovens:
- Conveyor improvements that include sprockets, shafts and bearings
- Precision sprocket alignment
- Increase production rates
- Burner and fuel train upgrades
- Chain upgrade for increased life (3+ years documented)
- Electrostatic oiler retrofits
Conveyor Retrofits:
Conveyor retrofit options include:
- Precision bent S.S. perforated slide bed
- Reliable front end belt tracking system
- Proprietary back end belt tracking assistance for longer IBOs
- Built-in belt cutting and welding station
- Dual rack and pinion tension system
- Steel conveyor to a synthetic conveyor
- Upgrade to fiberglass and Kevlar mats
Conveyor retrofits can provide numerous benefits for your production:
- Up to 80% reduction in energy use
- Increased production rates by ~15%
- Longer hold times providing better Datapak curves that meet coating suppliers recommended hold times
- No metal fines or lubricants
- Belts/mats that do not require heat sealing
- Reduced oven zone temperatures for dramatic energy use reduction
- Fast & efficient installations by our skilled, experienced crew
Supply Duct Retrofits
HeatTek offers the following rebuilds and retrofits for supply ducts:
- Nozzle retrofit
- BPANI perf retrofit
- Duct door access for easy removal of nozzles and perf
- Support Equipment and Services
- HeatTek offers complete turnkey systems.
Other products and equipment offered with our systems include:
- Fire Protection Systems
- Ambient Air Cooling Systems
- Chilled Air Cooling Systems
- Installation
- Start up Service
- Preventative Maintenance Service
- Spare Parts
Commitment to Sustainability
Along with the world’s leading can makers, HeatTek understands and supports the importance of sustainable technology and net zero processes. Every detail is considered when engineering each of HeatTek’s Evolve Systems to ensure your sustainability goals are met or exceeded.
- Reduced gas usage through airflow and temperature optimization
- Minimized virgin water usage and chemical usage through RO technology
- Options for natural gas alternatives such as electric and infrared technology
- Recycled materials
- Consultations and audits for current system health and sustainability impact